Why am I taking this casually? I cant just read 10 pages of one of the subjects and walk in thinking I'm well prepared! Good thing, the momentum hasnt been built in class yet, I have got a lot to catch up with!!
We already seem to have finished Binder 1 in MacroEcon, I dont even know how that happened.. I havent even seen the first article! She's warned us to put a little more back into it, she's not going to the extent of making and discussing these binders if we're going to be slacking off. She also doesnt like us falling asleep and biting nails, so remember, NONE of that. But all in all, she's a fun prof, she is very passionate about this subject and finely maintains the balance between care and no-nonsense. The subject is beginning to seem interesting too... we're studying GDP and how we attribute the National Income to that. It appears that we can even determine the standard of living in a country, though not very accurately through these numbers. We've begun to understand that the government really DOES play a role in helping the country out. Apparently, they come up with this thingy called a fiscal policy that describes how they plan to implement taxes and build up on infrastructure. We understand how the GDP of a country depends on the way its consumers spend, the government spends, capital investments that take place and the net exports of the country. China is exports driven, US is consumer-spending driven... man, the techie in me is really getting impressed with all this stuff!
In ManOrg, we finally seem to have come to the point of emotion. All this time, everyone's telling us that quantify, substantiate, be logical... now we seem to come to intrinsic organization behaviour. Through a case study, we debated what we could do to help modify the company's structure keeping its current spirit and identity alive. The prof's reminded us to read the articles before coming to class. So gotta do that!
BizStats was unique. We studied probability, but interestingly, not by theorems. Our prof actually got us a bunch of dice, and packs of cards. He actually made us roll those dice and pick cards, and used it to explain probability to us. We already knew the basic fundas (first week of probability after all), but have it explained to us this way..? Man!! True, he's still jumping too fast for me... but I really need to build my pace. I sure didnt read anything for his class!
Moral of this rant, read.. read!! Now that I'm done with my blog backlog.. or rather bloglog, I'm goin to sleep, wake up tomorrow (holiday, whoopee!) and ahem, read up! Wish me luck!
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