* Sounds of impending doom*.
Do you hear that? I do. It's the guffaw of the learned ones... as they mock those amongst us who are not prepared for the oncoming exams. in two weeks. That's right.
For one thing, all but one assignment has now been completed. The last one is due two days before our final exams. Like a playful tantalizing chance, that maybe you can avoid doing it till a day before the submission date. Like hell you can! So good students that my batch and I are, we've already begun.. take that you cunning prof!
Anyhoo, this week was far far free-er compared to the horrors of the past few weeks... maybe the proverbial calm before the storm. In macro economics, I think we studied how monetary policy can affect the environment. There's a lot to read, and I'm waaaaaaay behind. Two weeks, that's all I have. All that stuff about how you increase money supply, how banks maintain balances with each other, the smart things that banks do to make sure they maintain their minimum balance with the Godfather of them all, the Reserve Bank of India. Fun stories. Hope I'll remember them.
Managing organizations was a lot more easy-going. We had a few teams from our class present the companies they studied for the quarter. Was ooook. Too many slides, too much strategy and "what they've done", some structure information here and there. Will give a 5/10. Liked the Honeywell presentation though. From the reactions of the prof, looks like he did too.
Business Statistics. We continued to study ANOVA. It stands for Analysis of Variance. Does that mean we analyse variance? Prof says a vehement no. So did the rest of the class. Beats me. Where's that book again? Then we studied how to fit a distribution, how do we know its a good fit. In lay man's terms... when we're predicting something from a sample, we need to make sure we are using the right formulae for the right type of graph. So this process tells us if the wool we're putting on the wolf makes it like pretty much like a sheep, or a wolf with a wool hat. and wool gloves. and some wool stretched across its chest. Like a Baywatch model. (What??!)
That's pretty much it. Tried to study on the weekend, and slept most of Sunday. Time to hit the books!
P.S. This post was much easier to write. Small. simple. nothing. Wonder if this is better than rambling on and on like a Duracell battery. (Thinks........ )
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