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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Quarter 3 - Week 4

Nothing can beat the oh-so-wonderful-joy of being in class on the 1st of January. A brilliant way to bring in the New Year, especially after getting pretty drunk the previous night when we still remembered what fun was like.

Of course, if the teaching sounds more like clashing cymbals which you cant drown out and if you're sleepy enough with one bored eye out for any welcome distraction from a brave student asking questions who is himself valiantly trying to pay attention.... well, let's just say you weren't the only one feeling that way.

Managerial Accounting. I dont like this subject. Especially on New Year's Day. I think we did something on Break even analysis. It's basically how you decide what are the minimum number of units you have to produce to break even for that period.

The prof of QuantMeth2 hopefully was partying till the wee hours of Friday morn, or he was coming up with some optimized format for how multiple drunken drivers could weave their way back home without meeting another drunk on the main road head on, while all of them move in non-linear paths. Since he's young and probably is giving us generous marks, our money's on the former. So no class in period 1 of day 1! Yipeee! (Wait a min, we're paying quite a load for one class... we cant miss that! Yeah, right, shut up inner voice!). The second day, it unfortunately hit him that though the year was new, the students were the same, and they had fared dismally in the just concluded test last week. The disappointment on his face could have either been the fact that the New Year party had ended, or that he was still stuck with our fidgety-and-looking-at-the-table selves. Who'd have believed we were "professionals" with a life outside of college (work life that is), and didnt have to show report cards to our parents? Sure, some firing from him, return fire from us... and then we called a ceasefire in the interest of Advanced Optimization concepts (Shortest path, max-flow min-cut... yada yada). Good fun.

Our wise old Marketing prof knew that there was a very good chance that all his wonderful students were doing something that was not related to reading Kotler the night before, and so he wished us Happy New Year, spoke slowly about the topic for the day (Value Innovation) and did not give us a test. He then went on to tell us that we WOULD have a test the next day, it WOULD be on the marketing case, and it WOULD involve using the exhibits carefully. Brilliant New Year's gift for us, he's now officially my most favourite prof in IIMB. He even showed us a video regarding innovation during the class, for variety and to keep us awake. The next day, we discussed how to 'Differentiate' ourselves in the market and eyes of the consumer, and how important it was. He's got a great set of fundas, so it's worth paying every iota of attention to him.

Law as I mentioned stands cancelled till a couple of weeks later. I personally believe he's now on his way back from wherever he was partying and is judging between two people on a ship. His jury probably consists of the boat captain (who threatened to delay the landing by three days if he wasnt on the jury), the prof's wife (who was hinting at buying some really expensive clothes at the in-ship store) and two dolphins.

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