While waiting for the results, I spent more time trying to get information on the PGSEM. Of course, the PGSEMInfo group helped quite a bit - the current students were more than helpful. On top of that, I tried to find a few sites which probably spoke about the interview experience of students for the PGSEM. The following helped quite a bit:
The following page does have all of the interview links posted about, plus some more info:
A couple of my classmates have updated their blogs too:
Anyway, I went for a couple of events organized at the PGSEM fests, the PGSEM Open House and asked a few questions. Looking back on it now, I think it was quite helpful. The first time I entered IIMB, I was quite overwhelmed by the place. I must have tried really hard to act and sound smart, not make a fool of myself (which I am perfectly capable of doing, thank you), and generally kept to myself since I dont know anyone else there.
But by the time the Open House happened, there was already some activity by students applying this year, we must have met up a few times to discuss our Strategy for the interview (Oh yea, by now I had gotten my CAT results and had applied for the PGSEM. Got shortlisted too, must have been March at this time, sure was a long wait). So, along with the other aspirants, we had gotten together, joshed around a bit, and finally at the Open House, I knew almost 15-20 people there. Not being a fish out of water really helps, I can say that much.
So, when my interview finally came around at the end of March, and I walked onto the campus, it wasn't a person who was trying to put his best foot and impression forward. It was a guy who realized that this place is as tough as it looks, but it's not unfamiliar, you can make it here. And glimpses of the fool came shining through...
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